«ΟΔΥΣΣΕΙΑ» – η παράσταση που βραβεύτηκε ως πρωτοεμφανιζόμενη στο Φεστιβάλ του Εδιμβούργου το 2009 και έχει ταξιδέψει σ’ όλο τον κόσμο… τώρα και στην Ιθάκη!!!
Παρασκευή 16/9 στο Μορφωτικό Κέντρο Ιθάκης και Δευτέρα 19/9 στην αίθουσα του Σταυρού στις 8:30 μ.μ.
Η “Οδύσσεια” είναι μια παράσταση “σωματικού θεάτρου” που παρουσιάζει το έπος του Ομήρου μέσα από πολύ χιούμορ, πάθος και το υποκριτικό ταλέντο του George Mann απο την θεατρική ομάδα Theatre ad infinitum’s
Μην την χάσετε!!!!


The multi award winning play ‘Odyssey’ was originally launched at The Edinburgh Festival in 2009, & has constantly toured the world since then.
David Ayling, having seen it in the UK just wanted to bring it to its rightful stage of Ithaca.
‘Odyssey’ is a one-man physical theater at its very best, telling the epic story in just over one hour with humour, passion & everything the brilliant actor, George Mann, can muster.
The play is in English and is readily understood by all as it is significantly about sound & movement. Importantly, a key part of this project is to take it further by translating it into Greek.
Brilliantly, the theatre company, Ad Infinitum, have donated the script to Ithaca so it can be shown in its own language in the future.
You can see it in Vathy at the Cultural Center on Friday September 16th. and on Monday 19th September at the Community Hall in Stavros, doors open at 8.30pm. Entry is free, with donations at the end if you want.
Funding for this project has been via personal monies & crowdfunding by David Ayling, sponsored by Alpha Cars and brought to you in collaboration with Lotofagoi

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